sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


As soon as the test was realized it is very important to realize a good nutritional recovery which target is to compensate the reservations spent during the same one. For it it is recommended:

To take a sugary drink and mineralizada to not too cold temperature. (juices of fruit, semiskimmed milk etc.).

To take something solid of the type dry fruits, chocolate, cookies, etc.

A half an hour before the important meal that continues to the test (lunch or dinner), will take of a quarter to half a liter of liquid preferably mineralizado.

The following meal at the end of the test, which will have approximately 2-3 hours after finished the test, must have the following composition:
Vegetable or salad.
Mixed with the vegetable or salad or apart a ration of pasta or rice.
A ration of meat or its protein equivalent, with potatoes or cereals.
2-4 bread slices.
1-2 fruit pieces.
Milk dessert

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