Sport and food must be related , that is because not all sports need the same type of food. They differ depending on certain characteristics such us: type of sporting event, athlete features ...
Sport nutrition must nourish body cells for it to develop and maintain. Futhermore, it must cover the spending extra effort.
sábado, 17 de enero de 2015
The uses of the sustrates is related to two factors: the intensity of the exercise and the time you are going to be practising the sport. Both factors are mutually conditined each other, because large intensity duration has to be short while at a low intensity exercise duration can be kept during more time.
In the next entries we explein how the nutrients affect to every exercise we practise.
Approximately from 70 % to 90 % of the energy spent on doing physical exercise it is liberated in the shape of heat provoking this way the sweating whose purpose is regular the corporal temperature. Also the climatic conditions, the clothing and the intensity of the physical exercise influence the sweating valuation.
For this reason, the water quantity that can get lost can become very important and if it is not operated correctly we can dehydrate.
Therefore, sweating does that we lose water, as well as a series of electrolitis that are: chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc.
To be restored of this loss it is necessary to drink water, not any other type of liquid (as they are: juices, fizzy drinks ...).
The carbohydrates are the main energy source for the organism due to its high profitability. Namely to decompose a glucógeno molecule is necessary little energy and as result of the decomposition obtains a lot of energy that the organism can use. The same does not happen with the lípidos and proteins.
The carbohydrates are stored in the liver and in the muscle to cover different functions in our body.
- The glucógeno of the liver regulates the glucose concentration in the blood, which feeds to the brain of constant form.
- The muscular glucógeno supplies the needs for the muscle to carry out the work derived from the development of the sports activity.
The sportsman or woman usually takes major protein requests as the quantity of muscular mass and because there exists a major grade of rupture of muscular proteins during the physical exercise.
The proteins shortcoming in the diet of a sportsman can provoke:
- Decrease of the capacity of mental and corporal resistance.
- Muscular wear / loss.
- Slowing down of the metabolic processes.
- Less resistance to infections.
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They are less profitable energetically that the carbohydrates, but they have major availability, because the organism has a "big larder". There are the best fuel in the tests of long duration.
The energy proceeding from the fats is used as soon as the proceeding one of the glucógeno was exhausted.
They serve to complement the diets of the sportsmen. Two examples of micronutrients are:
The calcium is determinant in the soundness of the skeleton, which intervien of decisive form in the resistance of the traumatism. The calcium receives major importance in the adolescent sportsmen whose requirimientos are major on having been in growth phase.
The calcium is determinant in the soundness of the skeleton, which intervien of decisive form in the resistance of the traumatism. The calcium receives major importance in the adolescent sportsmen whose requirimientos are major on having been in growth phase.
Its shortcoming is observed generally in brokers of long distance, in the women and in those who go in for collective sports with many training meetings.
This shortcoming can be given to the scarce intestinal absorption, insufficient contribution or increase of losses.
Diets design: According to the type of test
They were weighing general lines, the tests qualify in force, resistance, speed and combinations between them. Each one has a few characteristics of time of duration, muscles and organs that put themselves in movement, place of achievement, influence of the climate etc., which are going to determine the energy expense and the needs for nutrients of the sportsman. If the expense and the needs are different, the diet that covers them also it must be.
They were weighing general lines, the tests qualify in force, resistance, speed and combinations between them. Each one has a few characteristics of time of duration, muscles and organs that put themselves in movement, place of achievement, influence of the climate etc., which are going to determine the energy expense and the needs for nutrients of the sportsman. If the expense and the needs are different, the diet that covers them also it must be.
To have a clearer idea, in the following table there is summed up the average expense of some sports tests:
Modalidad deportiva | Gasto medio |
Remo (19 km/hora) | 900 kcal/ m2/hora |
Fútbol | 600 kcal/m2/h |
Baloncesto | 400 kcal/m2/hora |
Patinaje (15km/h) | 300 kcal/m2/h |
Natación (3km/h) | 1.000 kcal/m2/h |
Bicicleta | 280 kcal/m2/hora |
Carrera 18 km/hora | 780 kcal/m2/hora |
Carrera 9km/hora | 400 kcal/m2/hora |
- In resistance trainings, it is important to assure a good carbohydrates contribution, coming to 55-60 % of the ill entire energy.
- In force trainings, it is necessary to increase the protein contribution coming to 15-20 % of the ill entire energy. It is necessary to bear in mind that this contribution is sufficient to increase the muscular mass of the sportsman
- In speed trainings, also it becomes necessary to guarantee a good protein contribution since during this type of exercises a major proteins oxidation takes place.

- In force trainings, it is necessary to increase the protein contribution coming to 15-20 % of the ill entire energy. It is necessary to bear in mind that this contribution is sufficient to increase the muscular mass of the sportsman
- In speed trainings, also it becomes necessary to guarantee a good protein contribution since during this type of exercises a major proteins oxidation takes place.

It must be a mixed, varied diet, which contains all the nutrients: lípidos, carbohydrates and proteins in its forms of fresh and natural food: fruits, vegetables, integral, milk products etc. It constitutes the daily diet of the sportsman.
With major proteins contribution for the phase of training of the sports of force.
At the time of preparing a diet there are two questions of maximum importance:
Let not exist long fastings or long periods of time between meals
That the protein load of the diet is sufficient to be able to cover 3 fundamental targets:
Engrosamiento of the muscular fibre
To act like substratum in the production of enzymes and hormones
To improve the capacity of coordination and concentration
At the time of preparing a diet there are two questions of maximum importance:
Let not exist long fastings or long periods of time between meals
That the protein load of the diet is sufficient to be able to cover 3 fundamental targets:
Engrosamiento of the muscular fibre
To act like substratum in the production of enzymes and hormones
To improve the capacity of coordination and concentration
Preparation diet for the competition. Directed to increase the energy store and to provide of nourishing substances like prevention of deficiency situations.
It is not recommended during this period:
Meat stews
Pork and lamb
Meats and salted fish
Greasy and very cooked food
Greasy sauces
Cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, onions
Alcoholic and frozen beverages
It is not recommended during this period:
Meat stews
Pork and lamb
Meats and salted fish
Greasy and very cooked food
Greasy sauces
Cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, onions
Alcoholic and frozen beverages
Contribution of nutrients as the needs derived from the expense as the test passes. Suitable liquids restoration in the breaks, selection of the food better tolerated by the sportsman.
It is recommended:
The main meal before the test must be rich in carbohydrates (cereals or similar, of easy digestion) and to be realized approximately three hours before the competition to guarantee:
A relative gastric emptying
A reservation of hepatic glucógeno and muscular maxim
Glycemia and insulinemia normalized
One hour before the competition is recommended:
A meal by means of sugary drink, bread, cookies or similar.
Also, every 15 minutes, it will take of the sugary drink that will be to an approximate temperature of 15ºC.
It is recommended:
The main meal before the test must be rich in carbohydrates (cereals or similar, of easy digestion) and to be realized approximately three hours before the competition to guarantee:
A relative gastric emptying
A reservation of hepatic glucógeno and muscular maxim
Glycemia and insulinemia normalized
One hour before the competition is recommended:
A meal by means of sugary drink, bread, cookies or similar.
Also, every 15 minutes, it will take of the sugary drink that will be to an approximate temperature of 15ºC.
As soon as the test was realized it is very important to realize a good nutritional recovery which target is to compensate the reservations spent during the same one. For it it is recommended:
To take a sugary drink and mineralizada to not too cold temperature. (juices of fruit, semiskimmed milk etc.).
To take something solid of the type dry fruits, chocolate, cookies, etc.
A half an hour before the important meal that continues to the test (lunch or dinner), will take of a quarter to half a liter of liquid preferably mineralizado.
The following meal at the end of the test, which will have approximately 2-3 hours after finished the test, must have the following composition:
Vegetable or salad.
Mixed with the vegetable or salad or apart a ration of pasta or rice.
A ration of meat or its protein equivalent, with potatoes or cereals.
2-4 bread slices.
1-2 fruit pieces.
Milk dessert
To take a sugary drink and mineralizada to not too cold temperature. (juices of fruit, semiskimmed milk etc.).
To take something solid of the type dry fruits, chocolate, cookies, etc.
A half an hour before the important meal that continues to the test (lunch or dinner), will take of a quarter to half a liter of liquid preferably mineralizado.
The following meal at the end of the test, which will have approximately 2-3 hours after finished the test, must have the following composition:
Vegetable or salad.
Mixed with the vegetable or salad or apart a ration of pasta or rice.
A ration of meat or its protein equivalent, with potatoes or cereals.
2-4 bread slices.
1-2 fruit pieces.
Milk dessert
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