Sport and food must be related , that is because not all sports need the same type of food. They differ depending on certain characteristics such us: type of sporting event, athlete features ...
Sport nutrition must nourish body cells for it to develop and maintain. Futhermore, it must cover the spending extra effort.
Healthy lifestyle
sábado, 17 de enero de 2015
The uses of the sustrates is related to two factors: the intensity of the exercise and the time you are going to be practising the sport. Both factors are mutually conditined each other, because large intensity duration has to be short while at a low intensity exercise duration can be kept during more time.
In the next entries we explein how the nutrients affect to every exercise we practise.
Approximately from 70 % to 90 % of the energy spent on doing physical exercise it is liberated in the shape of heat provoking this way the sweating whose purpose is regular the corporal temperature. Also the climatic conditions, the clothing and the intensity of the physical exercise influence the sweating valuation.
For this reason, the water quantity that can get lost can become very important and if it is not operated correctly we can dehydrate.
Therefore, sweating does that we lose water, as well as a series of electrolitis that are: chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc.
To be restored of this loss it is necessary to drink water, not any other type of liquid (as they are: juices, fizzy drinks ...).
The carbohydrates are the main energy source for the organism due to its high profitability. Namely to decompose a glucógeno molecule is necessary little energy and as result of the decomposition obtains a lot of energy that the organism can use. The same does not happen with the lípidos and proteins.
The carbohydrates are stored in the liver and in the muscle to cover different functions in our body.
- The glucógeno of the liver regulates the glucose concentration in the blood, which feeds to the brain of constant form.
- The muscular glucógeno supplies the needs for the muscle to carry out the work derived from the development of the sports activity.
The sportsman or woman usually takes major protein requests as the quantity of muscular mass and because there exists a major grade of rupture of muscular proteins during the physical exercise.
The proteins shortcoming in the diet of a sportsman can provoke:
- Decrease of the capacity of mental and corporal resistance.
- Muscular wear / loss.
- Slowing down of the metabolic processes.
- Less resistance to infections.
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They are less profitable energetically that the carbohydrates, but they have major availability, because the organism has a "big larder". There are the best fuel in the tests of long duration.
The energy proceeding from the fats is used as soon as the proceeding one of the glucógeno was exhausted.
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